
About Cameron Wyatt

Cameron is a highly experienced Facilitator and Leadership Coach with more than 20 years of experience. He has designed and delivered hundreds of customised programs and development initiatives for clients at all levels of the corporate and business sector. His passion is building Sustainable High Performance in people, teams and organisations.

What’s Hot!

CONVERSATIONS for PERFORMANCE.                               
Synergy has 3  x 1 Day Workshops which are highly relevant and rewarding for any leader who is accountable for Performance. Different and improved performance evolves when new habits are developed. New habits are formed out of new behaviour… which is triggered by new conversations!If, as a leader, you are seeking to start,a new or different conversation within yourself, within your team(s) or between the teams in […]

By |December 3rd, 2014|Events|0 Comments|

Is Experiential and Adventure Based Learning Still in Play for Synergy?

You bet! In fact helping clients to view the challenges they face as an adventure has never been more relevant. Neither has helping them to take action and then learn, quickly and effectively the lessons that can only be learned in experience.

How does the outdoor adventure component fit in? Sometimes stepping away from familiar content where and into an abstract, engaging and parallel world is what is needed for transformational change and growth. It enables people to play safely […]

6 Critical Conversations in a Day

Take your leadership team on an adventure into the future.                               
This one day away will involve your team exploring the 6C’s of Sustainable High Performance with the help of a senior Synergy facilitator, at one of Synergy’s preferred ‘Learning Laboratories’.
Between each critical conversation your leadership team will encounter a challenge that will test their ability to work as a team and, set the scene for […]

By |December 2nd, 2014|Events|0 Comments|

Sustainable High Performance

Our 6C Model sets the context for our approach to building Sustainable High Performance.

The NEW face of Synergy

Adaptation and Reinvention in Action…
In numerous previous newsletters we have shone the spotlight on the critical issues of Personal and Organisational Resilience.
“The capacity of a system, enterprise or person to maintain its core purpose and integrity in the face of dramatically changed circumstances.”

With this in mind Synergy gave itself a great 24th birthday present and early Xmas present . It has reinvented itself… yet again. As a result we have a new brand and image and, an extended and […]